
该思维导图由 AI 生成,仅供参考
你好,我是 winter,今天我们来学习一下 CSS 的动画和交互。
在 CSS 属性中,有这么一类属性,它负责的不是静态的展现,而是根据用户行为产生交互。这就是今天我们要讲的属性。
首先我们先从属性来讲起。CSS 中跟动画相关的属性有两个:animation 和 transition。
animation 属性和 transition 属性
我们先来看下 animation 的示例,通过示例来了解一下 animation 属性的基本用法:
这里展示了 animation 的基本用法,实际上 animation 分成六个部分:
animation-name 动画的名称,这是一个 keyframes 类型的值(我们在第 9 讲“CSS 语法:除了属性和选择器,你还需要知道这些带 @的规则”讲到过,keyframes 产生一种数据,用于定义动画关键帧);
animation-duration 动画的时长;
animation-timing-function 动画的时间曲线;
animation-delay 动画开始前的延迟;
animation-iteration-count 动画的播放次数;
animation-direction 动画的方向。
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- 阿成const tweenFns = { linear: (from, to, t, d) => from + (to - from) * (t / d) } /** * only support "linear" timing-function * duration unit is "ms" * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {({prop: String, value: String, duration: Number})[]} list */ function transitionTo(el, list) { let startTime let oldStyle = new Map() let newStyle = new Map() for (let prop of list) { oldStyle.set(prop.name, window.getComputedStyle(el)[prop.name]) } for (let prop of list) { el.style[prop.name] = prop.value } for (let prop of list) { newStyle.set(prop.name, window.getComputedStyle(el)[prop.name]) } for (let prop of list) { el.style[prop.name] = oldStyle.get(prop.name) } requestAnimationFrame(run) function run(time) { if (startTime == null) startTime = time let t = time - startTime let done = true for (let prop of list) { if (t >= prop.duration) { el.style[prop.name] = newStyle.get(prop.name) continue } done = false let oldPropValue = oldStyle.get(prop.name) let newPropValue = newStyle.get(prop.name) if (prop.name === 'transform') { if (oldPropValue === 'none') oldPropValue = 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)' if (newPropValue === 'none') newPropValue = 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)' } el.style[prop.name] = generateNewStyle(oldPropValue, newPropValue, t, prop.duration, tweenFns.linear) } if (!done) requestAnimationFrame(run) } } function generateNewStyle(from, to, t, duration, tweenFn) { let fromExp = /[\d.-]+/g let toExp = /[\d.-]+/g let fromMatch let toMatch let result = '' let lastIndex = 0 while (fromMatch = fromExp.exec(from)) { result += from.slice(lastIndex, fromMatch.index) toMatch = toExp.exec(to) result += tweenFn(+fromMatch[0], +toMatch[0], t, duration) lastIndex = fromExp.lastIndex } result += from.slice(lastIndex) return result }2019-04-20126
- 阿成跟CSS的transition比,JS更加偏向指令式,而CSS更加偏向声明式,当然,这本身也是两门语言自身的特点,CSS用法简单直观,JS则在控制方面有更大的灵活性。 上面我只实现了 linear timing function(其他的函数实现网上大把大把的...),具体用法如下: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> <style> #ball { width: 100px; height: 100px; background: blue; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="ball"></div> <script src="transition.js"></script> <script> transitionTo(document.getElementById('ball'), [ {name: 'transform', duration: 1000, value: 'translate(400px, 200px) rotate(40deg)'}, {name: 'backgroundColor', duration: 1000, value: 'red'}, {name: 'width', duration: 1000, value: '200px'}, {name: 'height', duration: 1000, value: '200px'} ]) </script> </body> </html>2019-04-20321
- 许童童这个课后练习有点难啊。希望老师可以带着大家过一遍。2019-04-207
- Marvin// 利用老师提供的贝塞尔曲线函数 function timing_function(easing) { let resolve; if (easing === 'linear') resolve = generate(0, 0, 1, 1); else if (easing === 'ease') resolve = generate(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1); else if (easing === 'ease-in') resolve = generate(0.42, 0, 1, 1); else if (easing === 'ease-out') resolve = generate(0, 0, 0.58, 1); else if (easing === 'ease-in-out') resolve = generate(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1); else if (easing.indexOf('cubic-bezier') === 0) { let arr = easing.match(/(?<=\()(.*)(?=\))/)[0].split(","); arr.map(item => { return Number(item); }) resolve = generate(...arr); } else { resolve = generate(0, 0, 1, 1); } return resolve; } function transition(el, target_value, transition_property, transition_duration, transition_timing_function, transition_delay) { let start = 0; let bezier = timing_function(transition_timing_function); let scale = 1 / transition_duration; let targetArr = target_value.match(/(\d*)(.*)/); console.log(targetArr); function step(timestamp) { if (!start) start = timestamp; let progress = timestamp - start; let y = bezier(scale * progress); // y轴的比例 el.style[transition_property] = (Number(targetArr[1]) * y) + targetArr[2]; if (progress <= transition_duration)requestAnimationFrame(step); } setTimeout(() => { requestAnimationFrame(step) }, transition_delay); } let ball = document.getElementsByClassName("ball")[0]; transition(ball, "50px", "font-size", 2000, "liner", 1000);2020-08-032
- 剑客不能说一脸懵逼状态看完的~2019-09-2712
- Marvin不是非常严谨的实现,但是差不多了。可以设置各种属性和时间曲线。 只支持数值+单位的形式例如:left: 200px 或者 font-size: 20px; https://github.com/OleileiA/TransitionJs/blob/master/transition.html2020-08-03
- zlxag交互没有?2020-06-09